
Our Company

Profile21 is the newest electronic profiling system created by the team at the Future Energy Skills a not-for-profit industry incorporated association.

The Future Energy Skills provides independent advice about workforce development and training acting as a conduit between Governments / Government agencies, Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) and training companies, regulators, unions, employer associations, employers and trainees/apprentices within the industries under its current charter.

We are passionate about our engagement with industry and especially about training, so it seemed a natural progression to develop a workforce development tool like electronic profiling.

The Future Energy Skills built its first electronic profiling system back in 2003, which was used by electricians to track on the job work experiences. From its humble beginnings, the system has expanded to include:

This made us start to wonder, what other industries might benefit from electronic profiling?

So, the Future Energy Skills team embarked on creating profile21, with one key goal, to create a sophisticated, 21st century system for gathering workbased evidence that could be tailored to any training program in any industry. We met with training and industry stakeholders to get their ideas and feedback to enable us to create a user friendly work based evidence gathering tool. The result; is a system designed by trainers for trainers!

These trainers wanted us to create a system that:

Click here to find out more about how profile21 can take the headache out of gathering workbased evidence for you.