How to Get Started
RTO and Trainers
- Notify the team at profile21 of your intention to enter into the profile21 Electronic Profiling Service. This can be done by completing an RTO / Trainer registration form.
- You will then receive confirmation of your profile21 profiling registration and login details for the allocated users.
- To aid the student/ employee registration process your students/ employees will need to complete a Release Of Information (ROI) form, which can be downloaded from the profile21 downloads page.
- Please ensure that all ROI forms are returned to you, the RTO/ Trainer.
- Forward the ROI form to profile21 helpdesk after checking that all mandatory fields are correctly completed.
- Login details will not be sent to the system users until correctly completed ROI forms have been received by the profile21 helpdesk.
- Complete and sign the employer Release Of Information (ROI) form, which can be downloaded from the profile21 downloads page.
- Ensure that all mandatory fields are completed.
- Ensure they returns the ROI form to their RTO/Trainer.
- Login details will not be sent to the system users until correctly completed ROI forms have been received.
- After receiving login details, please read help files that are available from the profile21 downloads page.
- Complete and sign a hard copy of the apprentice Release of Information (ROI) form, available from your RTO/ Trainer or can be downloaded from the profile21 downloads page.
- Ensure that your employer completes and signs the employer section of your ROI form.
- Ensure that all mandatory fields are completed.
- Return your ROI form to your RTO/Training Department.
- Login details will not be sent to the system users until correctly completed ROI forms have been received.
- After receiving login details, please read help files that are available from the profile21 downloads page.
profile21 Support VET National Conference
Nov 8, 2013
Training Providers Forum
Jun 17, 2013
Have you tried the profile21 app?
Apr 15, 2013