Most training programs and packages recognise work based experience as an integral part in the development of a well-rounded, competent and qualified workforce.
For many years trainers, HR managers and workplace supervisors relied on paper based systems and logbooks to track the on the job experiences of their trainees, apprentices and staff, which was both costly and cumbersome.
Our innovative profile21 application, removes the stress and workload of gathering workplace evidence by providing a flexible, web based profiling system that can be used to easily track workplace activities with only a small weekly investment and no development fees. Read more...
Profile 21 supports the Never Work Live Campaign
For more information regarding the campaign click here
Our Company Name has changed
Aug 9, 2017
The new Australian Apprenticeship Support Network
Apr 15, 2015
Independent Panel Concludes: profile21 System is Compliant!
Jul 23, 2014